
Part Exchange

Designed to help simplify the process of achieving your dream home, Broadoak Developments’ part exchange scheme is the route to a smooth uncomplicated sale, eliminating the problems caused by related sales of chains of purchasers.

Although the part exchange property should normally be of a lower value than the home being purchased from Broadoak Developments, this is not necessarily a prime condition and we will seriously consider part exchanges of higher value, or of more than one property.

Purchasers will achieve a fair market value for their old home and will avoid the cost of EPCs, estate agent fees and involvement in unreliable housing chains.  Peace of mind from having a confirmed moving date from day one is another major benefit.

If the part exchange can be agreed upon early enough in the build programme, purchasers will be provided with the opportunity to choose interior finishes and fittings, including kitchen, ceramic tiling, wall colours etc.

Broadoak Developments considers every offer of part-exchange carefully.   We arrange for two independent professional valuations of your home and make a fair offer, based upon these valuations.

If you are interested in part exchanging your current property, please e-mail sam@broadoakdevelopments.com or use the contact form located below: